Thursday, November 14, 2013

First Tastes

This week Jasper turned 6 months so we  started him on solid foods.
Mya started solid foods when she was six months old and I remember her not liking it. She'd spit the food back out and was pretty picky for a baby. Meats were hard. Vegetables were hard. Wheat cereal made her vomit. She did enjoy fruits, but I had to feed her more than just fruit. She's now two years old and is still not a great eater. Sometimes I bribe her to eat, other times I strap her in a baby chair to get her to stay at the table, and sometimes I let her run around with a piece of food because at least she'll eat that way. Meals are a challenge.
Here's Mya having her first taste of real food. This was sweet potatoes: 
Enter Jasper. He is *cross your fingers* a great eater so far. He eats almost all the food I give him, is eager to hold his own spoon, and is pretty good at picking up and drinking from his water cup. I know it's too early to tell what kind of an eater he will be, but I have my hopes up high for him.
Here's Jasper trying his first taste of real food. Mya is feeding him oat cereal: 
Babies grow up way too fast! I'm going to enjoy this 'great eater' thing while I can :)

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