Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Snow Day

Yesterday was what I call 'Snow Day'. The first official snowfall that has a chance of staying on the ground. It's my favourite time of year.

Snow makes everything beautiful. It's white and clean and absolutely perfect. There is something so simple about fresh snow that hasn't been touched.

Yes - it's cold. And yes - I dread putting on all my winter gear, running out to start my car and scraping my windows just to take a quick trip to the store. But I sold my soul to the snow a long time ago, and there's no going back now.

As a kid I loved to toboggan. We'd carry our sleds for blocks searching for that perfect hill at the creek. In the summer we wouldn't even know where it was, but in the winter it was so easy to find. I also loved to skate; I loved snowball fights and digging forts; I liked liking icicles, catching snowflakes on my tongue and sipping hot chocolate and especially those cold nights snuggled up beside a crackling fire built by my dad. My winters, though very cold, are filled with so many warm memories that I will always treasure.

And in grade 10 my friends, Kelly and Becky, took my sister Jacquie and I snowboarding for the first time. If I wasn't hooked on snow before - I certainly was now.  Instead of dreading the weather change that happens every year, I looked forward to the white stuff and couldn't wait for my first ride down the hill/valley/mountain.

And who could complain about a season that makes it feel like Christmas all year long? Not me.

I love snow.

So, on the beautiful snow day that was yesterday, my sister and I bundled up our beautiful kids in all their snow gear and ventured outside. I giggled as Mya picked up a shovel and helped me clear the sidewalk. I helped as her and Benson (my nephew) dug deep into the snow. And I was so proud when she learned how to make a snow angel all by herself.

Jasper didn't do so well, but he's only 5 months old. He'll get there.


Mya cried when we came inside. And, although it's sad to see your child cry, I'm so happy that she seems to love the snow as much as I do.

Happy snow day everyone. It really is the most wonderful time of the year.


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